It’s hard to believe that Thursday, May 30th will be here before we know it! We’re thrilled to welcome you, to have Claire Culwell as our keynote speaker for our Annual Gala, and to share with you some exciting updates about what we’ve done and...
Our top female donors grabbed their Hawaiian shirts and leis to help us kick off another year of Ladies Lovin’ Life at our Leap Year Luau! Ladies enjoyed a delicious dinner and mingling, followed by a clinic update from the Director of Development, Bryan...
Join us for this year’s Ladies Lovin’ Life events! Get info and learn more about how you can join Ladies Lovin’ Life – see the flyer below! You can also download the flyer to print or email to help us promote Ladies Lovin’ Life!
Our Ladies Lovin’ Life had their fall finale at Rose Farm on October 5th. It was a beautiful, fall night to gather and explore the gardens, pick flowers, and create floral arrangements. Thank you to Karri Rose for welcoming us to her flower farm!
Just little over a month ago, our friends dusted off their dancing shoes and joined us at Christ the King in Des Moines, for our annual Knights of Columbus Dinner Dance! It was a great success, with over 230 guests and — with all of the sponsors,...
Sponsored by the Get Ready For: Dinner! Dancing! Silent / Live Auction! When Saturday, September 16 | 6:00pm – 10:00pmRSVP by September 8th Where Christ the King Catholic Church 5711 SW 9th StDes Moines, IA 50315 Cost $50 / Ticket$400 / Table of 8 **Knights...