About Us

Our Mission

The Mission of InnerVisions is to EDUCATE pregnant women at risk for abortion with medical information, to EMPOWER them to make life-affirming choices, and to ENCOURAGE them throughout their pregnancies.

Medical Services We Offer

Pregnancy Testing

Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound

STD Risk Assessments, Testing, Diagnosis & Treatment

Information – Abortion: Procedures, Risks, & Side Effects

Referrals for OB Care & Social Services, Adoption Services

Support and Care for Patients in Many Other Ways

Our Patients

InnerVisions has helped hundreds of women.

Here you can experience first hand the power of your prayers and contributions.

Claire & Kolbe

Adoptive Family


Baby Willow's Story

Meet baby Willow who was born at the end of January 2016. The fruit of painful years of trying to conceive, baby Willow helped reunite her mother and father. After years of infertility, her parents were angry and frustrated, both blaming themselves and not communicating to the other their anxieties. It even lead to their temporary separation. Once she was conceived, they worked out their differences and got married. A touching story about how an unplanned pregnancy led to bringing two people together!

Watch Trisha’s story

 Clinic staff came in during a Christmas holiday break to help Trisha. View video to see what happened.

Bree’s story

I walked into InnerVisions HealthCare and was greeted by a friendly smile who changed my life. I was pregnant and I really wanted to parent my baby but I was unstable and I didn’t have a support system. She encouraged me and gave me hope that I could be a great mother. I was scared that we would have nothing – but now my baby is born and very loved and provided for. The InnerVisions staff member touched my heart. I wanted you to know about the baby and that the staff at your clinic helped empower me to keep Kinley, 6 lbs. 12 ounces and that I am very thankful.

Kinley Marie

Julie – Client’s Mom (Baby’s Grandma)

I had no idea what I was in for. I thought my daughter had agreed that abortion was her best option. My daughter knew her intentions to parent and was too afraid to tell me. In retrospect, I want to thank you for answering her many questions and being an advocate for her healthy pregnancy when I could not. You gave her valuable information. If there’s ANYTHING I can do to facilitate a healthy pregnancy I will. Thank you again, for your kind patience and care. I can’t tell you how your encouraging words touched me when I was in despair. We are all very fragile and want to do what’s right and good for our daughter. Thank You…Thank You.

Watch Dan and Michelle’s Story

Our Clinic

We have two locations:

InnerVisions West:

1355 50th Street, Suite 400
West Des Moines, IA 50266

InnerVisions South:

500 Army Post Road, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50315

Our Staff

Executive Leadership

Loralee Chase, MBA

Executive Director

Gregory McKernan, DO, NFPMC

Medical Director


Bryan Gonzalez

Director of Development

Brooke Van Bruggen, BSN, RN

Director of Patient Resources

Sammy Freund, BSN, RN

Director of Nursing

Medical Staff

Sara Huegerich, BSN, RN

Staff Nurse

Ange Kinser, BS, RN

Staff Nurse

Candace Johnson, RN

Staff Nurse

Rachel Prohaska, BSN, RN

Staff Nurse

Brianne Tigges, BSN, RN

Staff Nurse

Relationships Program

Brianne Tigges, BSN, RN


Stacy Halbach


Maria Haas


Administrative Staff

Crystal Patterson

Development Coordinator

Elise Kerr

Office Assistant

Joleen Larson


Patty Rosburg


Stephanie Hamell

Shift Supervisor

Board of Directors

Joe Herrity


Brett Bosworth


Wendy Ogden, JD


Matt Dougan


Kathy Hayes


Kevin Kilcawley, PsyD


Geri McGonegle


Deacon Rob Stark


Volunteer Medical Personnel

  • Dr. Thomas A. Mallisee, Radiologist
  • Dr. Sandy Ruhs, Radiologist
  • Dr. Susan Beck, Client Care Physician


Our History

Founded in 2011, InnerVisions HealthCare continues to respond to the needs of the community. That's what Steve and Jenny did then, and we continue to do that today. The experienced team of nurses and doctors at our free medical clinic serve abortion-minded women and men with Christ-centered, compassionate, and nonjudgmental medical information and support.

Our name "InnerVisions" makes reference to the ultrasound, and how the sonogram is a "vision inside the womb". Therefore, the ultrasound is really at the heart of our medical mission.

Our Volunteers

Volunteering at InnerVisions can be a rewarding experience. Here are some testimonials on why volunteering is so fulfilling. If you think you'd like to join our volunteer team as a receptionist or nurse, give us a call today: 515.440.2273 or send us an email: info@ivhcare.org

“I have been blessed in so many ways at this time in my life and it has allowed me to give of myself as a volunteer to various organizations I support. I feel strongly about the life issue and that life begins at conception. When adoring a beautiful baby, abortion seems unfathomable. I enjoy my work at InnerVisions tremendously and appreciate the work that is done there and I look forward to being a part of it.”

— Peggy & Maureen

“I volunteer at InnerVisions so that I can listen and try to understand what is weighing on the minds of so many of our young people. I want to see them as my children or grandchildren and outline for them healthy options both physically and emotionally. I see InnerVisions as their safe haven concerning issues that will impact the rest of their lives.”

— Diane, Registered Nurse

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