What is Legacy Giving?
Legacy Giving is an option for donors to provide InnerVision with ongoing financial support by having their immediate or deferred gifts contributed to a Legacy Endowment Fund. Donors can elect to contribute all or a portion of their gift to this fund, which is then invested and used as a source of ongoing income for the organization.
Why the Need?
InnerVisions is a free, nonprofit medical clinic, funded solely by private (non-governmental) charitable donations. To meet growing needs and to fulfill its mission IVHC opened a second clinic location in 2019, which increases its reach and services. With expansion comes the need for additional sources of income to support the cost of operation and to build capital reserves to ensure the organizations sustainability in future years.

-current Legacy Giving donor
How can I Participate?
Donors can make an immediate cash donation, as well as appreciated securities, QCDs or other assets, designated as a Legacy Gift; or arrange for a deferred gift by including InnerVisions HealthCare in their will, trust or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. Any amount large or small will make a big difference for InnerVisions’ future.
Currently IVHC relies on two primary methods for raising funds; Annual Fundraising and periodic Capital Project Campaigns. With both of these, the donors’ gifts are typically spent now for current operating expenses or the specific purpose of the campaign. A third fundraising method, a Legacy Giving Program, involves an immediate or deferred gift, structured through a charitable giving strategy. The Legacy Giving Program will provide donors the opportunity to have their gift made part of a Legacy Endowment Fund that will provide ongoing income to support the pregnant women and babies served by the clinic for years to come.

Benefits for donors
- Donors will know they are leaving a lasting legacy of support for a cause they are passionate about.
- Donors can contribute through a future planned giving arrangement that is flexible for meeting individual estate and tax planning goals.
- Donors can make an outright gift now using a suitable planned giving vehicle.

Previous patient
The Legacy Giving information on this website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice and assistance from your lawyer, financial advisor, or tax consultant. We recommend that you discuss your plans with your lawyer and/or financial advisor before proceeding with a legacy gift.