He is risen! Indeed He is risen! Alleluia!
The Resurrection of Jesus on Easter gives us the peace, joy, and hope that we so long for. Christ’s death and resurrection constitute a victory over sin and death, and now we rejoice in life, a renewed life in Christ.
This Easter, the nurses and staff at IVHCare wish you and your family a blessed Easter! In your charity, continue to pray for our patients, that they, too, may come to more fully understand how precious life is for them and their unborn babies.
Peace in the Risen Christ,
The Staff @ IVHCare
P.S. It’s not too late to sign up for the Mother Son Dance at St. Anthony’s! IVHCare is proud to promote it because a portion of the proceeds benefits the many mom’s who come through the doors of InnerVisions HealthCare! For more information, click here or contact Paul.